Want to turbo-charge your PC repair business marketing plans?

Marketing surveys are a great way to get valuable information from prospects. Surveys help you stay in touch and keep current with prospects, so you can move smoothly through the sales cycle and get more steady, high-paying clients.

When you market your PC repair business, your goal is to keep your name in front of prospects in a variety of ways that keep them in your sales funnel. Surveys can help you diversify your marketing strategies. When you send a survey, instead of another follow-up letter, you establish contact in a non-threatening way that can help you get an in with potential clients.

Surveys should be focused on understanding your prospects' needs. So, don’t ask for anything other than a few moments of their participation. As an incentive, offer a free tip sheet or report in exchange for completing the survey.

The following 6 guidelines can help you design effective surveys that get inside the thoughts and minds of your prospects.

1. Keep Your Survey Short and Simple. Stick to relevant questions presented in business-focused terms. Avoid tech speak and questions that are irrelevant to your prospects’ important business problems. Prospects that are confused by, or unsure of the meaning of, survey questions will be much less likely to respond.

2. Set Up a Mailing Schedule. You need to establish an effective mailing schedule for your surveys to get the best response from prospects. You should mail or e-mail your PC repair business survey to prospects about four weeks after your initial sales appointment, conversation, proposal delivery, or other contact.

3. Send Follow-Up Surveys as Relationships with Prospects, Customers and Clients Evolve. As your prospects, customers, and clients move through the sales cycle, send follow-up surveys approximately every sixth months to help keep the dialogue open. Communication is essential to building trust and getting long-term clients.

4. Ask Relevant Questions in Your Surveys. Include questions that will help you learn more about your PC repair business prospects at the beginning of the sales cycle. “What’s the single biggest problem that you are having right now?” “How are you currently dealing with these problems?” “What do you think the solution might look like to these problems?” “What’s the single biggest obstacle that’s preventing you from moving forward in your project that we discussed earlier?” “Do you have any friends, family members, or business associates that can use our help with computer problems?”

5. Incentives Encourage Responses. When you offer valuable appropriate, relevant incentives, you will often encourage quick, high-quality responses. You could offer a free report or white paper on a technology topic relevant to their business, a free valuable service, or even a certificate for free bagels or pizza.

6. Always End Your PC Repair Business Surveys with a Thank You. If you want to start relationships off on the right foot with new prospects, you need to be polite and dedicated to fulfilling their biggest small business needs. Always end any surveys with a sincere Thank You for taking the time to answer your questions thoughtfully.

In this article, we discussed 6 ways that surveys build relationships with your PC repair business prospects. Learn more about how you can attract great, steady, high-paying clients to your PC repair business now at http://www.PCRepairBusiness.com

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